“SkyUp Airlines Virtual” is a non-commercial organization. Our virtual airline was created to bring together virtual pilots in the virtual sky for the sake of common interest and pleasure.
VA (Virtual Airline) “SkyUp Airlines Virtual” operates on the VAMSYS platform.
VAMSYS – A platform that provides statistics and information on flights to VA. It transmits information about each flight of the pilot, about the actions in the cockpit, and also collects information about the raids and points that are issued after each flight.
To interact with VAMSYS, each pilot must have a “PEGASUS” program that interacts with the VAMSYS platform >>
Requirements to fly with our VA:
Each virtual pilot is required to have one or more flight simulators on their computer from the list below:
1) Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
2) Prepar3D v1.4 – 3.4/v4/v5
3) Flight Simulator X/SE
4) Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
5) X-Plane 10 and above
• Persons over 13 years old can join a VA
• Persons flying in IVAO/VATSIM/POSCON networks, etc. must necessarily comply with the rules of the network in which they fly.
• Each registered participant in the VAMSYS system must be familiar with the rules of the VAMSYS platform >>
• It is obligatory to use liveries in flight simulators B737/B738 “SkyUp Airlines” which you can find here >>
• A pilot who flies with a virtual airline must be familiar with the airline’s flight rules (NOTICES tab in VAMSYS main page)
• It is forbidden to use acceleration in flight otherwise the report will be rejected.
• Each registered member of our VA in the VAMSYS system receives its own unique identifier (SQPXXXX)
• All documentation that belongs to a virtual airline belongs exclusively to it and it is prohibited to use it for any commercial or non-commercial purposes without the personal permission of Chief Executive Officer.
• Pilots are advised to adhere to the rules of real aviation, to be familiar with the “Operations Manual – B” documentation that can be found on the VAMSYS platform, and to read NOTAMs before each flight. This guarantees the professionalism of SkyUp Virtual pilots.
• Pilots planning their flight in the “PFPX” program are recommended to set the realistic OFP format, which can be found in the VAMSYS personal account (Resources – PFPX OFP Format).
• Pilots are recommended to be in DISCORD “SkyUp Virtual” in order to keep abreast of all news ( – “DISCORD”).